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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Disability Discrimination

Under the Fair Housing Act, it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of disability in the sale, rental, financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions.


Examples of such discrimination include:

  • Refusing a person's request to make, at the expense of a person with a disability, reasonable modifications of existing premises, e.g. installing a ramp or grab bar, when such modification may be necessary to afford such person equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.
  • Refusing a person's request for reasonable accommodations, e.g. securing an accessible parking space, waiving no-pet policy, when such accommodation may be necessary to afford such persons full enjoyment of the premises.
  • Asking the nature or severity of a person's disability, except in very limited circumstances as allowed by law.
  • Charging additional rent or fees for using an assistance animal, when the use of an assistance animal may be necessary to afford such person full enjoyment of the premises.




Reasonable Accommodations is a change in rules, policies, practices, or services so that a person with a disability will have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling unit or common space. A housing provider should do everything s/he can to assist, but s/he is not required to make changes that would fundamentally alter the program or create an undue financial and administrative burden. Reasonable accommodations may be necessary at all stages of the housing process, including application, tenancy, or to prevent eviction.


Reasonable Modifications is a structural modification that is made to allow persons with disabilities the full enjoyment of the housing and related facilities.